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Updated: 07-12-2012 07:41 PM
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Updated:07-12-2012 07:41 PM
Created:07-10-2012 07:57 AM
Mini-map+ (by Brunilde)
Version: 1.2.0
by: Brunilde [More]
MISE A JOUR 1.2.0 (13/07-2012)


• Version 1.2.0 =>Rajout des Format "medium" & "small", la taille "Large" reste inchangé.

• redimensionnement de la mini-map => Large : 500/350, Medium : 350/330, Small : 220/220
• extension de la zone de "zoomage/dézoomage" => Large : ~500% Medium : ~300% Small : ~300%
• modification des positions sur l'écran : décalage pour ajuster les nouvelle proportions.
• modifications des icônes : réduction de la taille des icône des joueurs alliés afin de mieux
voir la masse et RvR; Luminosité augmenté de ~50%, point de rez plus visible (vert),
zone de combat modifier (cercles rouges), localisation perso modifié (flèche orange),
réduction de la taille des icône des PNJ, Modification des icônes "repères".

• Skin de la mini-map retravailler : Cadre blanc et noir. disponible sur les 3 tailles.

• Modification de la position des modules MapButton & PvPButton : Décalage à gauche
• Suppression des modules "ZoomOutButton" & "ZoominButton" pour plus de visibilité (Molette de la souris en remplacement pour le zoom).

• Améliorations supplémentaires : Amélioration des icônes à cocher dans le menu "paramètre",
rajout de couleur sur le pop-up des puits d'anima en instance.


/!\ Effectuer une copie de votre dossier "data" afin de pouvoir annuler
la manipulation si nécessaire.

Télécharger le patch et décompressé le à l'aide d'un logitiel de
décompression, Choisisez votre version (Large_Size; Medium_Size; Small_Size)
et copier le contenue du dossier "data" dans la racine du jeu.
( C: > Programme files (x86) > Funcom > The Secret World )
confirmer l'écrasement des fichiers afin de valider l'opération.

Exécuter la commande (en jeu) /reloadui ou /rechargeriu pour appliquer
les changements sans vous déconnecter.

Pour désinstaller le patch, faites la même manipulation avec votre
copie du dossier "data".

pour signaler un bug ou demander des informations vous pouvez me contacter
par email => [email protected]

( Approuvé sur le site officiel => )
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07-10-2012 07:57 AM

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Unread 08-08-2012, 01:07 PM  

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Does this still work and how would you do just a pure Customized folder install of it?
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Unread 07-12-2012, 08:28 PM  
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Hi !! New version available (1.2.0 !)

=> Two additionals sizes (Small, Medium, Large) & bug fixed

For the next update, I think adding buttons (Menu: Craft, inventory, nexus, shop, stats, skill circle ...)
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Unread 07-11-2012, 09:51 AM  
AddOn Author - Click to view AddOns

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Ok, so after some playing, I used OvrTehBottm's suggestions and they worked great.
Below is a copy of the actual edited working HUDMapView.xml with a bit smaller minimap frame.

Thanks again Brunilde & OvrTehBottm

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!-- $Change: 64136 $ (must be within the first 200 characters of the file) -->
<View view_layout="stacked" fade_borders="Rect( 0, 0, 0, 0 )">
  <View view_layout="vertical"> 
	  <RegionMapRenderer name                    = "RegionMapRenderer"
				 view_alpha              = "0.6"
				 hud                     = "true"
				 player_centering_offset = "Point(0,0)"
				 zoom_level_count        = "3"
				 min_size_extend         = "Point(375,300)"
				 max_size_limit          = "Point(375,300)"/>
				  <!-- Edit By "Brunilde" | [email protected] -->
		<VLayoutSpacer min_size="1" max_size="1"/>
			 <!-- Edit By "Brunilde" | [email protected] -->
  <View view_layout="stacked" v_local_alignment="BOTTOM" >
	  <!-- <BitmapView bitmap_gfx="WorldmapGUI/minimap_options_bg.tga" v_local_alignment="BOTTOM"/> -->
	  <View view_layout="horizontal" layout_borders="Rect(3,0,330,3)" h_alignment="LEFT" h_local_alignment="RIGHT" v_local_alignment="BOTTOM">
		    <Button name="MapButton" 
			layout_borders="Rect(0,0,0,0)" />		
		    <Button name="PvPButton"
			layout_borders="Rect(0,0,0,0)" />
	 <!-- Edit By "Brunilde" | [email protected] -->
Last edited by Devla : 07-11-2012 at 09:55 AM.
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Unread 07-11-2012, 08:22 AM  
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Yes cool addon.

The directions do say to copy into:
\The Secret World\Data\Gui\Default\
But doesn't the patcher overwrite anything in \Default\?

The addon seems to work fine if you copy into:
\The Secret World\Data\Gui\Customized\
And then you shouldn't have to worry about files getting overwritten with the patcher.

Going to play around with your ideas, OvrTehBottm, thanks for sharing!
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Unread 07-10-2012, 02:25 PM  
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Originally Posted by kenze
err what language is that? lol i cant seem to get google translate to.. translate it.
french is what chrome said
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Unread 07-10-2012, 01:25 PM  

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Great add-on, though might I suggest trimming down to only the files needed and also installing into the Customized folder by default.

Suggestion: some method to resize the map or instructions on editing the XML to user desired sizes.

Installation Instructions in order to resize Modded mini-map:

Copy the View folder out of "The Secret World\Data\Gui\Default" in the Authors compressed folder into:

<TSW Install Root>\Data\Gui\Customized

example: c:\program files (x86)\the secret world\data\gui\customized\view

Editing Size Instructions:

You will loose any Mini-map border graphics following these instructions
**End Note**

Use Notepad some other Text editor (I recommend Notepad ++) to open HUDMapView.xml in the "The Secret World\Data\Gui\Customized\View" folder.

Look for: min_size_extended

change the values in = "Point(###,###) for both min_size_extended and max_size_limit to values more suited to your display. At 1980x1080 I found 375, 300 to be appropriate.

Next comment out the line starting with <Bitmapview


<!--<BitmapView bitmap_gfx="WorldmapGUI/minimap_options_bg.tga" v_local_alignment="BOTTOM"/>-->

Lastly edit the third value in:
<View view_layout="horizontal" layout_borders="Rect(3,0,330,3)"

to shift the map and pvp buttons to an appropriate location based upon the size you defined. I used 330, your value may vary. However, if you use (375, 300) for your size then 330 will work nicely.

PM me if you need further assistance. I'll help as best I can.
Last edited by OvrTehBottm : 07-10-2012 at 02:56 PM.
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Unread 07-10-2012, 11:27 AM  
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• Resizing the mini-map: 124/124 => 500/350
• extension of the zone of "zooming / dézoomage"
• changing the positions on the screen: shift to adjust the new proportions.
• changes icons: reducing the size of the icon of friendly players to better see the mass and RvR; brightness increased by ~ 50%, no visible ground (green), combat zone change (red circles), personal location modified (orange arrow), reducing the size of the icon of the NPC, Changing icons "benchmarks".
• Skin of the mini-map rework: white and black frame.

• Changing the module position MapButton & PvPButton: Shift left
• Remove modules "ZoomOutButton" & "ZoominButton" for more visibility (Mouse wheel to zoom instead).

• Additional enhancements: Improved icons in the menu check "parameter", addition of color on the pop-up wells anima pending

/ \ Make a copy of your "data" in order to cancel the operation if necessary
Download the patch and unzipped the file contained in the set root (C:> Program files (x86)> Funcom> The Secret World) and then confirm overwriting files.
Run the command / or reloadui / rechargeriu to apply changes without logging.

To uninstall the patch, do the same with your copy of "data" folder.

Thank you, send me an mail any bug or suggestion (improvement, modification ...) - [email protected]!
The only way out, is through.
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Unread 07-10-2012, 11:01 AM  

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err what language is that? lol i cant seem to get google translate to.. translate it.
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