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pinstripesc 07-27-2012 05:33 AM

Editing a Flash element
Hi all,

Wanting to just change the look of some cast/health bars. I got the work done in Flash, but then get a couple errors akin to the following when trying to export to SWF -

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Funcom\The Secret World\Data\Gui\Customized\Flash\Sources\GUI\HUD\, Line 19 The class or interface 'com.GameInterface.Game.Character' could not be loaded."

/reloadui in game just kinda funks it up, like it's sorta kinda but not really gonna do it. I assume I'm missing something obvious?

Also, anything special I should be doing when exporting to SWF? I just went with the default.

Thanks much

Eyeball 07-27-2012 08:31 AM

Seems to be a problem with the ui source not found ...

Take a look at this nice post
They explain how to link in the source in adobe flash.

- Eyeball -

pinstripesc 07-28-2012 03:48 AM

Awesome, thanks Eyeball. I started over and got this one by itself...

Scene=Scene 1, layer=back, frame=1, Line 4 Error opening include file File not found.

Also getting a note that I don't have the right fonts, I'm assuming they're hiding in /default somewhere.

boneklinkz 07-29-2012 01:36 PM

Have you checked your preferences to make sure that your AS2 paths are set up correctly? You need to add the sources folder to your paths.

pinstripesc 07-30-2012 02:55 PM

C:\Program Files (x86)\Funcom\The Secret World\Data\Gui\Customized\Flash\Sources\

Yeah, that seems to be in there...hrm.

EDIT: A-ha! I was being dumb and saving the file I was working on in a stupid place that brought on the disconnect. Got it all working excellente now - thanks guys!

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