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Larrow 10-21-2012 03:27 PM

ERROR: .FLA 'Unexpected file format'
Hi, Hope someone can help me.

I have CS4 professional that i have been using mainly for web design via Dreamweaver. I have never really used flash except for going through a few tutorials a while back (definately never used actionscript) and was looking forward to doing some GUI design for TSW. I Have experience of c# c++ lua xml and have made several UI's for other games.

When i first installed TSW i opened up a few of the .FLA's to have a look around, didnt have any problems.
I had a good read around some of the info on this forum and decided to install Flashdeveloper as intellisence sounded like a good idea, UDK for the CLIK library and also followed the post to set up both flashdeveloper and flash for the UDK CLIK and TSW source files . Any way since this i have not been able to open up any of the TSW .FLA files without getting the error 'Unexpected file format' and flash closing down.

I have:-
  1. Uninstalled Flashdeveloper
  2. Redownloaded TSW source files (by removing them and doing a file check from the patcher)
  3. Uninstalled the whole of CS4 and cleaned out any remaining files
  4. reinstalled CS4

I am still unable to open up any of the TSW source files (except for one 'AbilityList.Fla' wierd :/ ).

I have even tried the fixes from many internet sources of changing .FLA to zip and repairing the archive to no avail.

Anyone got any other ideas?

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