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Software 07-21-2012 01:35 AM

Storing/Retrieving user settings
1 Attachment(s)

I have been tinkering around with the UI source code to learn the basics. I have never touched Flash or Actionscript code until now. However I am quite seasoned as a .Net/Silverlight developer.

I have created a little addon I have been using as a learning tool. It is fully functional and allows you to display your server and the amount of the various tokens you have. I have been trying to figure out how to store user settings to allow the user to hide/show the various elements they may not want to see. I have figured out the existence of DistributedValue class and have been trying to get this to work.

So far this only seems to store the value during the current session. After logging off and back on it is not able to find the value any longer even when using the below with isPeristent set to true:

public static function AddVariable( name:String, value, isPeristent:Boolean ) : Void;

I was assuming this might have been saving the value to a file somewhere but I am starting to wonder if this is not used for this.

Doing a bit of more digging online also turned up:

But I wanted to see if there was anyone here that could point me in the right direction before I spin my wheels any further. I'm sure I am missing something simple due to my lack of experience with this language.

Software 07-21-2012 09:52 AM

Answer was provided by Catagorical over on the TSW forums.


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